creeps in mind.

creeps in mind.
who doesn't love ISLAM is a dumb..

cepat giler...

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Monday, 7 September 2009

aku dan haty aku.

aku bertanya pada haty..patutkah? benarkah? tu hanye tuhan yg tahu..aku cube menyelami haty dan perasaan sendiri, tapi kekeruhan tanpa kejernihan menghalang..soal cinta, who knows? i'm stuck..but i'm gonna get the right or never..
patutkah kite tunggu orang yg xmgkin dtg pd kite?
//mane ade someone yg turun dr langit..
patutkah kite tinggalkan orang yg kite syg utk org yg kite suker?
//kite blom taw org y kite suker tuh syg kt kite ke idak..
perlukah kite menyayangi someone hingge kite luper ape yg sepatutnye diingat?
sanggupkah kite tunggu cinta yg xkn pernah ada?
//demi cinta, aku xsanggop! huuu
benarkah cinta itu menyakitkan?
//when you feel it,you knew it..
tapi,org kte cinta tuh best...
//hanye bile org tuh sygkn kite long as that..
what if kite mengkhianati cinta tuh?
//percayalah,cinta akan mengkhianati kite semula..
betul ke kite need someone to l.o.v.e us?
//yes,but in the right way..marriage..
where could i find the meaning of true love?
//you'll find it in direct way of loving your religion,your parents,yourself and your friends..
//why not? don't you trust me? huh
ya..ape maksud cinta?
C- cuma
I- ingin
N- nikmati
T- tapi
A- awas
now i'm afraid of being loved! eeuuhh..