30-08-1994 :
lahirnye sorang putera yg m'lgkapi k'hidupan sebuah famili..k'hdiran die dlm hdop begitu ditunggu-tunggu stlh unwanted tragedy berlaku..he looks so cute as he has a chubby little body with a passion lips! he's a special lil fellows..
30-08-2009 :
*and now he's 15th..just suits to be a teens and a normal boy..living in this world is incomplete if there's no love for him from someone he called 'mak'..what? lelaki, manje dgn mak..(some people think its suck, but without a person named mak,mane ade individu yg boleh buat en3 nih skunk chor.. ) stupid..well,aku ske laki yg mnje dgn maknyer but bkn lah ank mak sgt2..eeuhh..
*another few more minutes is his birthday..sincerely, i appreciate him in my life..he make me smile and sometimes could make me cry..having a wonderful friend like him will make my life complete with love and happiness..insyaallah..
// to someone that is really special in my life (uhibbuka ya habibi), HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!
*suke betol cakap bahasa arab sebab xde org pham..hahahahahahah
cepat giler...
Make your own Countdown Clocks
Saturday, 29 August 2009
cerita aku,bukan cerita kamu! Flirty is Fun! at 23:25 0 comments
Monday, 24 August 2009
ape nih..
aku tak taw nk tulih ape..
*adoiii....bingungnyer ari nih..*
cerita aku,bukan cerita kamu! Flirty is Fun! at 12:20 0 comments
Thursday, 13 August 2009
gloomy in happiness
hmm... aku dpt taw yg result BI aku sure xbpe nk elok..cam ape jer aku nih kan..hrp jer ank ckgu tapi bengap..eeh bangang nyer aku rse ari nih..trial xabih ag da ase cam nih..down nyer..mane p aku pnye confidence?? waa...kat spe aku nk ngadu nih..tensionnyer weyh..ya allah,ampunkn aku..bodohnye hmbe mu ini..geografi pon A tkat hidung jer..geramnyer..stupid sgt ke aku nih hah?! knp aku xbley jd mcm dulu..?? emy yg addict dgn latih tubi? emy yg akn m'ngis stiap kali dpt A hnye 80 lbih? emy yg xpnh knal erti pts ase? emy yg xpnh amik taw perihal lain? emy yg bla,bla,blaa.. hmm..da bosan arh jd emy yg nih..ecok nk ptg rmbot..i'm regaining my tomboy life back! don't be shocked please..emy nih jiwe die xtenang,haty die kelang kabot,n tubuh die tgh sakit..skit ape? mgkin xpyh taw..ckoplah taw yg die tgh skit..jgn tmbh k'sgsaraan die,tolong lah.. dh trok sgt musibah yg die tanggung..
blik sk td aku ngis..rase down m'nyelubungi aku..soalan sng pon xbley jwb..luckily no one knew i'm crying that time.. hermm..ape yg ptot aku buat nk dpt 9A? knp 80 aku bley dpt but lagi 10 je aku xdpt cpai?? heh..doakan aku sukses with my beloved fwenz!
cerita aku,bukan cerita kamu! Flirty is Fun! at 16:42 0 comments